Stretch Marks Organic Remedy
Here's a Natural / Organic Treatment That Completely Cures Stretch marks within 30 Days!
100% Natural & Effective to Fight all kinds of stretch marks Off Permanently Without Coming Back Ever Again!
Are You Tired of Treating That Stretch mark?
You Aware That Stretch mark Can Cause loss of self Esteem, Restricts
the kind of Dress to Wear and Causes Severe Embarrassment in Public?
Have you tried several options to get rid of your stretch mark with no result?
If Yes, we have The Final Solution for you!
Dear friend,
If you are looking for a herbal treatment to cure stretch marks... and get rid of it permanently without wasting money on drugs, this is going to be the most important message you will ever read.
If you are looking for a herbal treatment to cure stretch marks... and get rid of it permanently without wasting money on drugs, this is going to be the most important message you will ever read.
Stretch Marks
Stretch marks, also known as striae, are a form of scarring on the skin with
an off-color hue. Over time they may diminish, but will not disappear
completely. Stretch marks form during rapid growth of the body, such as
during puberty or pregnancy. In pregnancy they usually form during the
last trimester, and usually on the belly, but also commonly occur on the
breasts, thighs, hips, lower back and buttocks. These are known as
striae gravidarum.
Stretch marks are caused by tearing of the dermis.
This is often from the rapid stretching of the skin associated with
rapid growth or rapid weight changes. Stretch marks may also be
influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, bodybuilding, or hormone replacement therapy.
Facts on Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are long, narrow streaks or stripes that occur when the skin is stretched too quickly.
Pregnancy, puberty, and rapid weight gain can all cause stretch marks.
There is little medical evidence available confirming the effectiveness of current treatments for stretch marks.
Stretch marks often fade over time without treatment and do not pose any serious long-term health risks.
Signs and Symptoms
Striae, or "stretch marks", begin as reddish or purple lesions, which can appear anywhere on the body, but are most likely to appear in places where larger amounts of fat are stored; the most common places are the abdomen (especially near the navel), breasts, upper arms, underarms, back, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. Over time, they tend to atrophy and lose pigmentation. The affected areas appear empty, and are soft to the touch.
Stretch marks occur in the dermis, the resilient middle tissue layer that helps the skin retain
its shape. No stretch marks will form as long as there is support
within the dermis; stretching plays a role in where the marks occur and
in what direction they run, however, there are a number of contributing
factors (see: "Causes", below) to their formation. They can (but do not
always) cause a burning and itching sensation, as well as emotional
distress. They pose no health risk in and of themselves, and do not
compromise the body's ability to function normally and repair itself;
however, they are often considered a cosmetic nuisance. Young women are generally affected the most and often seek treatment for them from a dermatologist and following pregnancy
Causes of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks appear to be caused by stretching of the skin. This is especially true when there is an increase in cortisone.
other words, an increase in cortisone levels can increase the
probability or severity of stretch marks by reducing the skin's
pliability; more specifically, it affects the dermis by preventing the fibroblasts from forming collagen and elastin fibers,
necessary to keep rapidly growing skin taut. This can create a lack of
supportive material as the skin is stretched, and lead to dermal and epidermal tearing,
which in turn can produce scarring in the form of stretch marks. This
is particularly the case when there is new tissue growth (which can
interfere with the underlying physical support of the dermis or
epidermis, by displacing the supportive tissue).
Introducing, Our 3 in 1 Natural & Organic Stretch Mark Solutions.
Aloe Gelly
Alpha E Factor
R3 Factor
3 in 1 solutions will help you restore back your skin and give you back
your confidence by smoothening your skin and make it glow like a
newlywed bride.
These three Combination Creams Are Excellent for Stretch mark by replenishing and nourishing the skin, reduce dryness and create radiance. They Also Retain, Restore and Renew the Skin Layers.
Finally, You Will Regain Your Confidence Back!
Aloe Vera Gelly
identical to the aloe vera’s inner leaf, our 100% stabilized aloe vera
gel lubricates sensitive tissue safely. Specially prepared for topical
application to moisturize, soothe and condition.
Vera Gelly is a thick, translucent gel containing humectants and
moisturizers. Readily absorbed by the skin, it soothes without staining
clothes. Aloe Vera Gelly also provides temporary relief from minor skin
Alpha-E Factor
Forever Alpha-E Factor moisturizes from within to deliver an ultimate smoothness to your skin for a younger-looking appearance.
Forever Alpha-E Factor moisturizes from within to deliver an ultimate smoothness to your skin for a younger-looking appearance.
light, emollient fluid is fortified with Vitamins A, C and E, Borage
Oil and Bisabolol. It is an antioxidant fluid designed to combat free
radical damage, which causes 80% of our skin’s damage.
Help your skin RETAIN its natural moisture, RESTORE its resilience and RENEW its appearance with R3 Factor® Skin Defense Creme.
Help your skin RETAIN its natural moisture, RESTORE its resilience and RENEW its appearance with R3 Factor® Skin Defense Creme.
Factor® Skin Defense Creme is a rich combination of stabilized Aloe
Vera gel, soluble collagen and alpha-hydroxy acids, fortified with
vitamins A and E, each vital to healthy skin.
Are These Products Approved And Legal To Use?
aside from the fact that they’re approved by NAFDAC, They have also
been approved by various agencies around the world including the Kosher
Seal which is the highest form of approval in the world that any product
can have
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4. Phone Number of the Recipient
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+2348139147597 (Call, SMS or Whatsapp)
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