Mouth Odour Organic Remedy

Here is how I permanently cured my bad breath that has humiliated me publicly for years and made lose my girlfriend.

This Solution Works for Bad Breath, Mouth Odour and All Kinds of any Mouth/Teeth Problems!

Hi, my name is James and I know EXACTLY what it’s like to suffer from HALITOSIS, otherwise known as bad breath.

I work as a Counselor, and therefore a large part of my job involves speaking to people face-to-face. This had never been a problem for me up until around 6 years ago.
At 26, and without warning, my breath began its rapid descent towards face-melting foulness, and there seemed to be very little I could do about it… Nor did there seem to be any reason, obvious or otherwise, as to why this was happening to me.
Firstly, I started to notice that people were beginning to stand quite far away from me when I spoke. I mentioned this to my girlfriend at the time, Sarah, who decided to come clean…

“James, your breath really does stink”, she said!
Up until then, I had no idea I even had a problem, so I was shocked, and incredibly embarrassed.

“How many other people were thinking the same?” I wondered…

So I did what most people would do to “fix” it – I bought mouthwash, mints, sprays and chewing gum, and made sure I brushed my teeth thoroughly. It would work for a short time, but then the “dragon breath” (as my girlfriend called it) would come back again with a vengeance. It never seemed to go away for any length of time.

I went to my dentist for advice, but all he did was give me a lecture about oral hygiene, which was useless, because I was brushing my teeth properly already.
But it just didn’t work… “And then things went from bad to worse!”
Over time I began to notice more and more people turning away from me with disgusted looks on their faces, as if they’d just been lowered into a sewer. I would go bright red with embarrassment and then hurry off to the toilet to clean my teeth or use some mint mouth spray. Eventually, my boss pulled me to one side and told me that she’s had some complaints from people about my breath.
They’d actually requested to be seen by SOMEONE ELSE … because of my BREATH. It was totally humiliating.
Over the next few months, my confidence began to ebb away. I was anxious all the time, and scared to talk to friends, colleagues or even family because I was so worried about my rotten breath and paranoid that people were talking about me behind my back, laughing and sniggering. I’d talk really quietly to people, to limit any potential embarrassment, for both them and me.
In fact, I spent so much time talking with my mouth half shut that I think people started to mistake me for practicing ventriloquism.
“And then the worst happened…”

Sarah left me. It seemed my breath was more of a problem for her than I’d thought. She’d put up with it for long enough, but it was becoming a real issue between us. I was distraught… inconsolable… a total wreck.
And I was so angry at myself for letting things get this far, where the woman I loved left because my breath could make a sewer rat cringe.
I’d been a total idiot for not dealing with the CAUSE of my bad breath, instead of just covering the SYMPTOMS.
That night I sat on the couch, alone, holding back the tears… and promised myself that I’d fix my problem for good. “So how did I Solve my Bad Breath Problem?” Well, I won’t bore you with all the details, but to cut a long story short, I realized that I’d been relying too much on what the general medical professionals preach about bad breath.
I had to go deeper. And this is when things really started to change. I went on the internet, studied practically every website on the subject of bad breath, bought every book I could find and researched the subject extensively. I visited the National Library of Medicine and devoured every book there was on halitosis, unearthing a whole bunch of obscure facts about the causes of bad breath and the best remedies available.
I felt like I was really getting somewhere.
In fact, I was so determined to find a solution that I started testing out numerous different potential remedies on myself – often with painful consequences – logging down the results as I did so.
“I FINALLY found the Solution to my Bad Breath Nightmare”
I discovered some incredibly effective remedies for my bad breath, and they are 100% safe and natural!
Within just few days, my breath was noticeably fresher and cleaner – and more importantly, my “Dragon Breath” hasn’t returned since.
As soon as I was confident enough that this remedies worked all the time, I started sharing it with other bad breath sufferers.
And every single one of them has experienced incredible results.
So, I Decided to Contact the company to buy in bulk to sell In Bulk and Help Others.
I had a discussion with the company production manager who’s in USA about how the Natural Supplements can be gotten to Nigeria as I will really love to introduce them to my friends and whoever I know that has been under the bondage of the glasses.
After few days I was able to seal a deal with the company and I arranged for shipment of the supplements down to Nigeria to sell In Bulk And Help Others.

I have learned that the remedy that I used that has worked for so many others work on the following conditions:
·        Toothache
·        Tooth Decay
·        Bad Breath
·        Gum (Periodontal) Disease
·        Oral Cancer
·        Mouth Sores
·        Tooth Erosion
·        Tooth Sensitivity
·        Toothaches and Dental Emergencies
·        Unattractive Smile
·        Whitening teeth, etc

If you are suffering from any of the above tooth conditions, then you would benefit from what I have to show you. Whether you are having a tooth decay or bad breaths already or your teeth is not white and you think you may need to see the dentist in the future…

I have since gone on to ‘cure’ both my parents and my brother of their tooth problems. If you are suffering from any of the above conditions, then you would benefit from what I have to show you.
Here’s The Natural Remedy I’m Talking About.

Introducing the 3 in 1 natural / organic remedies that will help you complete get rid of BAD BREATH and give you back your confidence and restore the lost glory within just 30 days.

Forever Bright Tooth Gel

Bad breath is a common problem that can affect anyone at any age. It affects most people at some point, and it’s estimated about 1 in 4 people has bad breath on a regular basis. Forever Bright is Created for the entire family – as well as your pets – this gentle, non-fluoride formula contains only the highest quality ingredients including Aloe vera and Bee Propolis. Enjoy its natural mint flavour for a taste that will leave your mouth refreshed and your teeth clean. This toothgel is also suitable for vegetarians since it contains no animal by-products. Aloe Barbadensis Gel (stabilized aloe vera gel),sorbitol, hydrated silica, glycerin,sodium laurylsulphate, carrageenan, flavour, bee propolis, sodium saccharin,sodium benzoate, chlorophyllin-copper complex.

Forever Active Probiotic

Featuring an impressive 1 billion CFU of probiotics, this super blend of six probiotic strains can promote a healthy digestive system, enhance nutrient absorption and support immune function. Forever Active Probiotic is delivered by a patented encapsulation technology that ensures the valuable bacteria is released in the most valuable part of your intestinal tract. With no need for refrigeration, this easy-to-swallow “good bacteria” will help overcome imbalances created by your food or lifestyle choices. Contains soy.

       Benefits of Forever Active Probiotic
  • live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host
  • Unique combination of six beneficial strains of microbes.
  • Helps to prevent the growth of yeast and other pathogens (disease causing bacteria and fungi).
  • Helps prevents inflammatory bowel disorders.
  • Promotes a healthy digestive system.
  • Helps in the synthesizing vitamin k
  • Enhances nutrient absorption and immune function.
  • Balances the colonic PH. Thereby help in preventing colon cancer. 

Forever Aloe Vera Gel

Forever Aloe Vera Gel made from 96.2% pure aloe. Almost like slicing open an aloe leaf and consuming the gel directly from the plant. Formulated in a base of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. There are no chemicals added at processing. Only pure natural ingredients used. The aloe leaf contains 200 health promoting compounds, including 12 vitamins,(B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E), 18 amino acids and 20 minerals.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel 

1.) Immune System Support Aloe Vera provides natural support for immune system. Since the immune system work around the clock protecting the body. It’s an immune enhancer, drinking it regularly on the daily basis may give your immune system the helping hand it needs.

2.) Daily dose of Vitamins Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E, Niacin, Folic Acid. What better way to consuming vitamins then by drinking a daily dose of Aloe Vera Gel, while at the same time building the body’s defense system naturally against oxidative stress?

3.) Daily dose of Minerals  found in it include calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper. Adding foods to our diets with naturally occurring minerals and vitamins is recommended for overall health.

4.) Regulates Weight and Energy levels Regular use of it naturally allows the body to cleanse the digestive system, and ensures a greater feeling of well being, allowing energy levels to increase and helping to maintain a healthy body weight.

5.) Natural detoxification Aloe Vera has natural, detoxifying abilities. Drinking the gel regularly may improve bowel regularity and increase protein absorption, while at the same time decrease unfriendly bacteria and yeast – all done naturally.

Are These Products Approved And Legal To Use?
Absolutely, aside from the fact that they’re approved by NAFDAC, They have also been approved by various agencies around the world including the Kosher Seal which is the highest form of approval in the world that any product can have



 How To Order
   To order text the code: "Bad Breath Treatment Pack"  
Followed by the following information:
Full Name
Phone Numbers
Delivery Address
Local Government Area and State
  Send This Information To: 08139147597

Example: Bad Breath  Treament Pack
John Abiola,
13 Adeniji Street  in Ikeja LGA, Lagos state.

We Offer Free Nation Wide Delivery

For enquiries, question, or suggestion, put a call across to; 08139147597

Your Wellness Is Our Top Priority

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